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October 30, 2014

Digiscrappers Brasil DSD Blog/Facebook Hop

Olá, pessoal!!!
Para comemorar o Dia do Scrapbook Digital, nós designers da Digiscrappers Brasil preparamos para você um lindo collab!!!
Siga as setinhas e vá visitando as páginas das designers para baixar todas as partes... no final, você terá esse enorme e maravilhoso kit:

Hi, people!!!
To celebrate DSD, we designers at Digiscrappers Brasil have created a beautiful collab for you!!!
Follow the arrows and hop over the designers pages to download all the parts... at the end, you'll have this huge and wonderful kit:

Esta é minha parte... e eu espero que você goste.
Dividi minha parte em duas, papéis e elementos.
Você vai baixar os papéis aqui e os elementos no meu Facebook.
Para baixar os papéis, basta clicar na imagem.

This is my portion... and I hope you like it.
My portion was divided into two packs, elements and papers.
You'll download the papers here and the elements from my Facebook.
Just click the image to download the papers.

Antes de ir para a próxima página, acho que você vai gostar de saber que minha loja está em promoção, com até 50% de desconto em alguns produtos... e ainda tem pacotes incríveis para você economizar muito te esperando por lá!!! Venha me fazer uma visita e compre logo aqueles kits que há tempos você estava querendo... não perca essa promoção!!!

Before leaving to the next page, I thought you'd like to know that almost my entire store is on sale, some products are 50% off... and that I also have incredible packs for you to save even more!!! Come check everything out and get all those kits you've been wishing for a long time... don't miss out this opportunity!!!

E se você quiser ficar sempre por dentro das novidades, assine nossas newsletters!!! Além das novidades quentinhas, você ainda recebe muitos freebies diretamente na sua caixa de entrada!!!
Clique aqui para assinar a minha newsletter. Depois de confirmar sua assinatura, você já recebe meu primeiro presente!
E clique aqui para assinar a newsletter da DSB.

And if you want to be always up to date with our latest news, sign up for our newsletters!!! Besides the hotest news, you'll also have many many freebies dropped right into your mail box!!!
Click here to sign up for my newsletter. After you confirm your subscription, you'll get a very first gift from me!!!
And click here to sign up for DSB's newsletter.

Agora, clique em Next para visitar a próxima página... e se você se perder ao longo do caminho, você pode ver a lista completa das participantes aqui.

Now, click Next to visit the next stop... and if you ever get lost, you can find a complete list of the participants here.

A Grimm Tale - WLS Blog/Facebook Hop

Happy Halloween, everyone!!!
And Happy DSD too!!!
Hop along with us, designers at WLS, and collect all the pieces of the amazing kit we've created for you!!!
It's a fairy tale kit, but with a bit of dark side... well, it's Halloween, after all!!!
This is my portion... I've divided it into two parts. You'll download the elements from my Facebook and the papers from here:

Before you leave to the next stop, how about checking out the awesome deals I have on my shop for you?
Don't worry, you won't get lost!!! My shop will open up on a new window!!!

And if you want to be always up to date with our latest news, sign up for our newsletters!!! Besides the hotest news, you'll also have many many freebies dropped right into your mail box!!!
Click here to sign up for my newsletter. After you confirm your subscription, you'll get a very first gift from me!!!
And click here to sign up for WLS's newsletter.